So keep the important stuff in your own inventory, such as your backpack, resurrection scrolls, healing items, and perhaps most importantly at least one Bedroll. However, unlike the Early Access, NPCs do NOT retain everything you trade to them. Like starting armor, or weapons, or healing items. You can loot the areas you can get to including barrels and such to trade for things you do want. Except for Payde, do not talk to him yet. Regardless, you should start talking to the Magisters on the boat. I will not be including the personal quests of the Origin Characters in these sections but will make note of specific places where if you have an Origin Character on your team, you might need to be aware of certain things. You'll be collared which prevents Source Magic before your character even wakes up. This is where you will start after Character Creation (Maybe not for undead or Fane, Unsure yet). You can read the original guide on the divinitiy original sin 2 steam community hub. There is a letter in Dallis' room, which is behind the locked door near the ladder in Fort Joy Ghetto that you must kick down (you need the Gloves of Teleportation to get to it), that will tell you about the Seekers (a group helping people escape Fort Joy).This guide was written by Drakus.In most cases it's the only way to move the story forward. Say Madam Zoor sent you but do not mention Delorus. You can either fight those magisters, or if you have saved Delorus, you can avoid fighting them. Close to Flenser's Playground in the prison, you can also find two magisters threatening a kid, defeat them so you can escape with a boat.You can also fight the magisters but they may prove a challenge. You can sneak along the side of the upper floor and reach the broken wall in the back, from where you can climb a ladder down to freedom. Note: in the large adjacent room, there are High Judge Orivand and 4 magisters performing a ritual on a sourcerer. If you're having trouble with Kniles, and you are inside the prison, you can climb up the stairs that take you to the ground floor of the fort.There on the beach (underneath the treasure chest which you can teleport to yourself) is an entrance into the Dungeon level of Fort Joy.

You can also teleport down next to where you first found Fane.The way forward through the pipe is open afterwords. He will ignore you after that, avoiding the battle. Alternatively, you can give Atusa's Leg to Kniles if you have it on your person when speaking to him.You can escape Fort Joy through this sewer. Kill him and use the key on his body to open the gate to the sewer. There you can find an enemy called Kniles the Flenser. You can then make your way to a lower floor to the prison. Push the ladder down and sneak into the fort. You can also use the Gloves of Teleportation acquired from the quest The Teleporter to teleport one of your party members to the second level of Fort Joy (south of the gate guarded by 4 magisters).Get into the prison by either letting yourself get caught by removing your collar and being seen by a magister ( The Arena of Fort Joy), or through the ancient tunnel (learn the location by completing The Imprisoned Elf), or through the quest Withermoore's Soul Jar (not needed to find the tunnel).You will find yourself at the beach, on the other side of the coast. If you choose to go north once inside the gates, you can meet a paladin near the port who is also fighting magisters. The straightforward way is to kill the 4 magisters at the gate, pick up the key, make your way inside the fort, then you can fight your way out.